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Considering an investment property? Ways to make the most of it

House / Spend /Play /Travel

Whether it's a part-time vacation home or a college-town condo, an investment property can be a popular method to generate extra income. It can be a big responsibility that comes with risks too. Nicole Ewing, Director, Tax and Estate Planning, TD Wealth, joins Kim Parlee to talk about ways you can make the most of your property investment....

U.S. Presidential Election: Implications for Investors

Stocks / Economy / International / Trading Ideas / News / Big Picture

The upcoming U.S. presidential election is still several months away, but there is already an abundance of speculation about what the results could mean for markets. Kim Parlee speaks with William Priest, Vice Chair at TD Wealth and Kevin Hebner, Global Investment Strategist at TD Epoch, about the different election result scenarios and what they could mean for investors. ...

If I have a loss in my TFSA, does it impact my contribution room?

Ask MoneyTalk

If you've experienced an investment loss in your TFSA, you may be wondering how your contribution room could be impacted. What if you decide to make a withdrawal afterwards? Mindi Banach, Tax and Estate Planner, TD Wealth, joins Kim Parlee to explain how losses and gains affect TFSA contribution room....